Category advice

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Hot Beverages

Market Insight

Category advice2023


Total Hot Beverages is worth £294m in Convenience, up +2.8% YOY.

Coffee forms 66% of the category, worth £194m and is in growth +2.3% in Convenience.

(IRI & Kantar, Value, 52 w/e 15th July 2023 Total Convenience)

Instant Coffee is 74.35% of Hot Coffee sales within the Convenience Channel.

Nescafe holds 65.06% share of the value sales for Instant Coffee in the Convenience channel, however in the past 52 weeks Private Label has increased its value sales of Instant Coffee in the channel by 13.8%.

(IRI Total Convenience Channel, 52 w/e 15th July 2023)

R&G Coffee forms 11% of the category and is worth £34m to the Convenience channel.

Taylors of Harrogate is the number one brand in Roast and Ground and boasts a 20.6% YOY value growth in the Convenience channel.

(IRI & Kantar, Value, 52 w/e 15th July 2023 Total Convenience)

Tea sector is worth £83m in Convenience, forming 28% of the category.

Convenience deliver strong growth of tea, up +3.8% in Convenience. Convenience drive sales value growth across all tea sectors, out-performing the market, and gaining share.

(IRI & Kantar, Value, 52 w/e 15th July 2023 Total Convenience)

Shoppers are switching into healthier, decaffeinated options.

Decaf is worth £4.8m and boasted +6.4% growth YOY in the Convenience channel.

(Kantar, 52 w/e 12th June 2023)

Opportunities to increase range in Convenience. Also look to offer a range of speciality black to drive up pence per cup.

Fruit & Herbal teas cater for a different type of shopper and this is now the second biggest segment in Tea, accounting for 13% of all sales.

Green tea has a loyal shopper base and accounts for 4% of all Tea sales.

(Nielsen, GB Total Convenience, 52 weeks to 17.06.23, Value Sales)

Total Hot Chocolate and Malted Drinks are worth £19.3m with sales +6% and Unit growth of 4.7%.

(IRI, GB Convenience, 52 weeks to 10.06.23)

Hot Beverages

Market Insight

Category advice2023


The current cost of living crisis could create shifts in the usage of c-stores as shoppers focus on adopting savvy-shopping techniques including reducing the number of top up shops at c-stores.

Drive value message in store to retain shoppers.

Promotion products

Focus on improving impact and targeted promotions.

As inflation continues to rise, and budgeting becomes more of a core behaviour, looking for savings will be of a heightened importance to shoppers in order to save money.

Nearly half (48%) of convenience shoppers like price marked packs as a way to communicate value.

(IGD Shopper Vista, May 2021)

Use the right pack sizes to fit with the shopper mission and to suit the channel's typical basket spend.

80's pack of tea and 100g jars of coffee are a great pack size to cater for the top-up mission. Use smaller, lower price points packs such as 40's pack of tea and 50g jars of coffee to cater for the distress mission.

Tea products

Optimise fixture by capitalising on growing formats and trends.

Extend into the areas of growth that are contributing the largest absolute value to the category, like Fruit & Herbal, Speciality, Decaf and Green Tea, and meet the changing needs of shoppers as well as driving repertoire purchases.

(Nielsen Independent & Symbols data to 01.07.23)

Within coffee, capitalise on the growth of premium segments. Drive trade up and basket spend through expanding range and visibility of Microground and Roast & Ground in store.

Man shopping

Ensure Hot Beverages are easily located in store, ideally adjacent to associated categories

such as Sugar, Biscuits, Cakes and Morning Goods. This will inspire shoppers and increase basket spend.

Information correct at time of print.

Hot Beverages

Must Stock Lines

Category advice2023


These are the ‘Must Stock’ lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. By stocking these lines, you will be meeting your customers’ needs and therefore they will visit your store again.

We suggest you stock the following range:

Must stock linesMust stock lines
Must stock lines
Must stock linesMust stock linesMust stock linesMust stock lines

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