(The Retail Data Partnership 2021)
(Circana (previously know as IRI, YTD data to 17.06.23))
(NielsenIQ Data to w/e 20th May 23)
(Circana (previously know as IRI, S&I Channel, Value sales, MAT data to 17.06.23))
(yougov.co.uk/ratings/consumer/popularity/brands/all – Q2 2022)
PMP out performs non-PMP with PMP growing at +28% value YoY vs 11% for non-PMP.
(IRI Conv exc maj m, 12we 21st May 22 vs 20th May 23)
(*Source: Lumina Intelligence, Symbols & Independents, 52we 25.06.23 – Products bought on Impulse by confectionery shoppers)
Source – YTD Nielsen Scan track, p6,w4 2023
Duos are driving the growth into singles and are incremental so stock up on best selling lines.
It builds trust with the consumer.
(Source: Lumina Intelligence – YTD Data, w.e 13/11/22 & w.e 14/11/22, 24we 11/12/22)
Information correct at time of print.
These are the ‘Must Stock’ lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. By stocking these lines, you will be meeting your customers’ needs and therefore they will visit your store again.
We suggest you stock the following range: