Category advice

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Crisps & Snacks

Market Insight

Category advice2022


Get ready for the HFSS* legislation coming October 2022

Download Walkers' guide to getting ready for HFSS pdf

*High Fat Sugar and Salt. HFSS legislation currently applies to England only.

On average consumers are snacking 5.5 times per day, and split of snacking is balanced across the day.2

Shoppers are concerned about inflation and rising food prices.

To retain shoppers, focus on showcasing value. Offer choice across value snack singles and £1 PMPs and highlight deals through bold signage.3

Singles performance has turned around in the last 12 weeks with +10% growth. This growth is driven by Non-PMPs & value snacks.

Focus on the best-sellers in standard packs and value snacks.1

Price marked pack Sharing is the biggest segment, accounting for 51% of CSN sales and is growing by +9%. Make sure you offer the most space to Sharing PMP in your main fixture.1

Bigger Sharing (non priced marked) bags account for 15% of CSN sales and also growing by +9%. Ensure you have the best-sellers for this occasion.

The top 3 best-selling SKUs in Bigger Bag (non PMP) Sharing in Indies and Symbols are: Doritos Chilli Heatwave, Tangy Cheese & Cool Original 150g.1

Multipacks have grown +5% over the last 2 years (since Pre-COVID), as a result of increased take-home shopper missions.

Stock a consolidated range of top sellers to cater for this mission.5

Crisps & Snacks have grown by +4% in the last year, driven by growth in Sharing.1


(Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT, W.E.19.02.22)

(Path to Purchase research – Green Shoots (Dec 20), PepsiCo Shape of Demand Study, UK, 2020-2022, 36k consumers, 180k snacking occasions)

PepsiCo Shopper Sentiment Study, Data to 18th Feb 2022.

Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT, W.E.25.12.21

(Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT vs MAT 2YA, W.E.19.02.22)

Crisps & Snacks

Market Insight

Category advice2022


Although snacking is predicted to continue growing, in light of consumer trends and legislations, snacking choices will evolve.

Many shoppers will seek snacks that are both enjoyable and healthier. Taste and brand are still the most important factors to consider when choosing range and NPD. Ensure you have some healthier and great tasting options in your range.2

Taste and brand are most important to shoppers.

Refine your range to focus on best-selling brands.2

Man shopping

Look out for the exciting NPD at Bestway and ensure you use POS on shelf to highlight to your consumers.


Most popular at the lunch occasion. Additionally place singles in chiller baskets with Food-to-go.

£1 PMPs

Ideal for afternoon snacking. Offer the most space to £1 PMPs on fixture to ensure strong availability through to the afternoon.


(Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT, W.E.19.02.22)

(Path to Purchase research – Green Shoots (Dec 20), PepsiCo Shape of Demand Study, UK, 2020-2022, 36k consumers, 180k snacking occasions)

PepsiCo Shopper Sentiment Study, Data to 18th Feb 2022.

Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT, W.E.25.12.21

(Nielsen, Independent & Symbols, MAT vs MAT 2YA, W.E.19.02.22)

Information correct at time of print.

Crisps & Snacks

Must Stock Lines

Did you know there are over 3000 SKUs available but 80% of sales come from only the top 6% of SKUs!

(Source: Nielsen Total Impulse, L26W, March 2022)

Category advice2022


These are the ‘Must Stock’ lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. By stocking these lines, you will be meeting your customers’ needs and therefore they will visit your store again.

We suggest you stock the following range:

Must stock lines
Must stock lines
Must stock linesMust stock linesMust stock lines
Crisps & Snacks


Category advice2022


We suggest you stock the following range:

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2m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 1
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2m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 2
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2m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 3
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2m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 4
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2m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 5
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We suggest you stock the following range:

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3m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 1
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3m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 2
View Shelf 2 Products
3m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 3
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3m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 4
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3m Crisps & Snacks Shelf 5
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