Category advice

Confectionery icon

Market Insight

Category advice2023


Confectionery is the 4th largest category within your store.

(The Retail Data Partnership 2021)

Sugar singles are the fastest growing format up 18% YoY followed by sugar sharing bags which are up 14% YoY – critical to the category and driving a large proportion of growth.

(Circana (previously know as IRI, YTD data to 17.06.23))

Chocolate bags and block sharing is worth £270m and growing +10%.

(NielsenIQ Data to w/e 20th May 23)

17% of total chocolate single sales go through the duos/kingsize format, highlighting the importance of this larger hunger line in the symbols and indies channel.

(Circana (previously know as IRI, S&I Channel, Value sales, MAT data to 17.06.23))

5 out of the top 10 nation's favorite brands, sit in confectionery.

( – Q2 2022)

30% of all confectionery sales go through PMP in the convenience channel – this rises to 43% for sharing bags and 65% for blocks.

PMP out performs non-PMP with PMP growing at +28% value YoY vs 11% for non-PMP.

(IRI Conv exc maj m, 12we 21st May 22 vs 20th May 23)


Market Insight

Category advice2023


Confectionery is the most impulsive category in your shop

It's almost 4 times higher than the no.2 category.*

(*Source: Lumina Intelligence, Symbols & Independents, 52we 25.06.23 – Products bought on Impulse by confectionery shoppers)

The confectionery category is growing at +17.2% YTD

Source – YTD Nielsen Scan track, p6,w4 2023

Woman shopping

43% of confectionery sales are bought on impulse.*

Duos products

Duos are driving the growth into singles and are incremental so stock up on best selling lines.

Ensure you have a good range of price marked packs.

It builds trust with the consumer.

PMP products

NPD brings excitement and new shoppers into the category, and it is important to drive confectionery with eye-catching displays.

The main fixture is vital selling space with 61% of singles and 56% of blocks bought from the main fixture.

(Source: Lumina Intelligence – YTD Data, w.e 13/11/22 & w.e 14/11/22, 24we 11/12/22)

Information correct at time of print.


Must Stock Lines

Category advice2023


These are the ‘Must Stock’ lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. By stocking these lines, you will be meeting your customers’ needs and therefore they will visit your store again.

We suggest you stock the following range:

Must stock lines
Must stock linesMust stock linesMust stock lines
Must stock linesMust stock linesMust stock linesMust stock linesMust stock lines

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