Bestway Team Valley has pulled together with customers and suppliers to donate a fantastic amount of food and other supplies to the local care homes in the Team Valley area. The team chose to work with care homes as some colleagues have family members who either live in or visit these homes and so it was a cause close to their hearts.
Batleys Swindon has built connections in the community by donating products to Swindon Volunteers and in return the Swindon Batleys team has received freshly cooked meals in recognition of their support.
I wanted to update you and thank you for your support for Age UK Camden.
I am excited to share with you that Age UK Camden emailed to let us know they received their first delivery, albeit from another supplier we connected them to. As you know, we followed multiple leads to help out Age UK Camden and were humbled by the support and response received.
The service I have experienced with the Bestpets teams during this extremely difficult period for everyone has been absolutely incredible.
Carl the manager in the Cardiff Branch has been phenomenal getting stock to us and has used all resources to get our deliveries everyday even on some weekends.
In the words of Frank Evans, Area Sales Manager North for Bestway Vans Direct:
“Can I first say a big thank you to all members of my team for their fantastic efforts and commitment that they have showed over the past few weeks.
“I would also like to nominate Tony Stansfield as a bit of an unsung hero during these difficult times.
I would like to say I think the whole of my team have done a great job during what we all understand is a very difficult and demanding time.
Derek James, who is part of the Bestway Vans management academy, has been recognised by his manager as a frontline star!
“Every day Derek has helped with the team in every way possible keeping them positive and morale at a high. He offers support where needed he has also volunteered to take a van out in other areas. Derek is a valuable member of the team and it’s at times like this when he is highly appreciated.”
Well done to our frontline star in the best-one sales team – John Hepburn – for personally delivering difficult-to-obtain goods to his customer who runs a store out of town. He personally delivered flour and handwash right in the time of need!
The Bestway Wholesale team in Abbey Road made a huge difference to local communities by ensuring Southwark Council had the provisions they needed to be able to provide for the vulnerable in the area. Southwark Council have been facing challenges getting stocks of food and other basic necessities at present, but the Bestway Abbey Road team, supported by procurement, operations, logistics and many others, worked tirelessly to help them source the products they need and get them delivered. Well done to Ejaz Ali and the team in Abbey Road depot for pulling this off in 24 hours from being given the requirements to delivering the goods.
Bestway Vans Area Sales Manager, Micky Dunn, has shared some proud words about his team:
“Firstly I would like to say I think the whole of my team who have done a great job during what we all understand is a very difficult and demanding time. Everyone indeed deserves credit however I think if someone deserves a special mention then it should go to Keith Harris.”
Salford City Football Club, who also own Hotel Football where they are accommodating NHS staff working on Coronavirus wards, have worked with our Batleys Manchester depot to supply goods and donate much needed goods to support these NHS teams.
The team at Batleys Leeds, led by depot manager Jason Longstaff, have worked with customers to raise £500 in goods for delivery to Leeds General Infirmary.
The Doctors and Nurses have written to say thank you for this kind donation and are shown in the photo, receiving their goods.
“Given in the past we have relayed issues back to you… I thought it was only right that we commend the staff at Batleys Whiston [Liverpool] for their hard work during this unprecedented time. We have seen them cope incredibly well under extreme pressure from the drivers, till operatives and order pickers. I personally believe that Craig [Delivery Operations Manager] and Donna [Depot Manager] have been exceptional doing a great job at keeping moral up in the branch and working round the clock and answering phone calls when they did not need to.”
One of our team members residing in Edinburgh has a niece who is a nurse at the Western General in Edinburgh, who mentioned to our team member that COVID-19 patients who are rushed into hospital have no time to collect basic hygiene items for themselves. Saddened by this often not-discussed issue, our team at Batleys Edinburgh Bellevue hosted a collection in depot, asking customers to donate what they could to be delivered to the hospital.
Our customer service representatives at Bestway Vans Direct receive a lot of lovely praise for being Heroes delivering to convenience stores on the front line at this time. Here’s some lovely feedback from the Customer Development Manager at Mondelez:
“On behalf of myself and Mondelez international I would like to say a great thanks to your entire sales team. Your hard work, bravery and embedded relationships with your customers has allowed for a fantastic/ record breaking period of sales.”
A best-one story in Newbury has been working hard to support the local community and now they’re showing their thanks with big homemade banners. The consumers wanted to publicly thank Mr Patel and family for the service and support they have provided to the local community through the current climate.
Last month (April) we received an email with the following message:
“Two weeks ago, I started a JustGiving page to help raise funds for care packs we wanted to donate to the front line of Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, Northwest London. What started off as a small initiative has now got the capacity to make a real difference and positive impact for the welfare of the NHS staff.
Tammy, Sue and Demme at Pets Takeaway have teamed up with local community councillors to ask for donations to provide much needed pet foods to help feed family pets. They’ve collected loads of products which have been distributed within the community to families who are struggling during this difficult time.
Ascona Group, a best-one Multiple Account customer, has worked closely with one of our Bestway depots (Swansea) to donate goods to Withybush Hopsital in Haverfordwest.
Lead by Darren Briggs and Paul Stoddart of Ascona Group, they have committed to purchasing nine pallets of Water (this is over 700 cases) which Bestway has managed to source and deliver to the hospital via Swansea depot, at two pallets a week.
Well done John Hepburn, best-one Business Development Manager, for keeping your customers stocked.
John delivered flour to his best-one customer Manjit, after he’d had no stock for four weeks. Helping Manjit to keep the nation stocked of essential items!
A BIG Thank You to Own Label Team. In these challenging time we have all had to make some changes to our shopping, while I shop between supermarket and local my local independent stores have come through every time, especially with regard to toilet rolls (something all the supermarkets are still limiting due to peoples greed). I have never used best-one toilet roll before and was impressed and will be switching. I also used the active toilet cleaner which although very diluted for the price was good and had a great aroma.
A lovely message from Laleham Residents Association, showing thanks for their local best-one store on Shepperton Road:
“As if they didn’t already do enough, Dipak and Sakhi at best-one on Shepperton Road are now offering complimentary coffee and croissants to local NHS staff and carers on their way into work in the mornings.
Jaybee’s best-one Convenience store started life as a Newsagents in 1976, run by Jim and Jenny Buttress and was taken over by their son Mark in 1995, so with 44 years in the business, they really are at the heart of their community.
Since the Coronavirus outbreak, the team (Including Mark and his wife Lorna) have been all hands on deck and very busy with people panic buying. Mark comments: “Seeing the supermarkets stripped bare people are now realising that local shops are the places to find goods! With more regular deliveries and more flexibility than the supermarkets, we are offering exactly what local people need! Hopefully in the future more people will remember that shopping local is the way to go.”
Our retail stars are doing great things locally – they’re even being recognised independently on social media platforms by local people. Well done Mo Shahida and family, for looking after your local community in Dundee.
Well done to best-one Hollin Bridge store. Your customers have praised you publicly with a very positive post:
“The best-one corner ship on Hollin Bridge Street Blackburn are doing all they can to help the community, they haven’t put any prices up at all (rightfully) and are telling the elderly to stay at home and they will take their shopping / papers and necessities to their home, free delivered… They are keeping well stocked too.. They are very helpful in all situations too.”
Saltwood General Stores in Kent, a Bestway customer, has set up a Facebook page specifically to communicate with the local community throughout the Coronavirus outbreak – and they already have over 800 followers! The store are keeping people up to date regarding availability of key lines in store, the availability of My Hermes delivery services to store and the stores’ own delivery-service of stock for those who are vulnerable. What a great initiative taken whilst the local community is in a time of need and requiring updates.
Butcher's Pet Care has been a key supplier partner maintaining high service levels over the last few turbulent of trading periods. With the focus on availability has come the reward of the sales. CYTD, Butchers stand at +36% showing that by backing Bestway with stock, we have been able to ensure product is on shelf for our retailers. Pet is a resilient product portfolio in a market that down the line may see other business units suffer. To ensure the growth stays at the forefront of our minds, Butchers have taken to National TV advertising and have a strong H2 plan in place to drive sales through the wholesale channel.
'With such large quantities required for the Bestway network, Butchers have been very clear on communication, the volumes available, delivery dates and production runs. To have produced the volumes of stock (often on extended shift patterns) and to deliver on time and in full is an exceptional achievement.
The effort & commitment to ensuring stock has been on shelf is the reason why Butchers have been nominated as Supplier of the Week. Thank you from all at Bestway and the retailers you have helped support'.
Peter Brame – Director of Trading, Pet – 3rd August
Pepsico have been at the forefront of winning back distribution across impulse products, at a time where COVID-19 has impacted sales in this key area. Their focus has been on creating and providing platforms to engage retailers and drive retailer and consumer spend by adding value and content.
Through the pandemic they have focussed their efforts on the changing consumer behaviours to maximise availability to meet the increased demand for sharing bags and their hero products.
The brand has fully supported the Bestway ‘Big Summer Promotional Campaign’ to drive sales and are running a Bestway Exclusive ‘Win A Van’ incentive, a great example of their on-going commitment to the wholesale and retail industries.
Nick Hartwell – Category Controller, Symbol Retail – 20th July
As the category leader in Spirits, Diageo have been a shining example during the pandemic in terms of their availability and CSR.
Diageo worked closely with our Trading and Supply teams to ensure that Bestway were well equipped to deal with ever increasing levels of demand. Together, we were able to strike an agreement for Diageo to supply via our NDC and unlock higher levels of efficiency. Greater collaboration with Diageo has also resulted in the commencement of a national Van Sales drive.
CSR has always been incredibly important to Diageo and during this crisis they have pledged more than 8m bottles of sanitiser for frontline healthcare workers.
Umair Choudrey – Category Manager, Spirits – 13th July
SHS Drinks have shown great focus and collaborative working with both our Trading and Supply teams during an extraordinary period for the sector. Due to the pandemic, SHS Drinks were challenged with their production and logistics and have demonstrated great strength and resourcefulness and by working closer with Bestway Wholesale have been able to overcome these challenges to service due to the huge increase in demand. As result this collective effort has seen us record unprecedented levels of growth with SHS Drinks.
The team have supported all promotions during this unique time which is a glowing testament to their continued investment in the Wholesale Sector.
As a show of the supplier’s trust and belief in Bestway Wholesale, we have just introduced their NPD for the summer in a ‘First to Market’ launching across all channels (wholesale, retail, e-commerce).
Umair Choudrey – Category Manager, Spirits – 8th July
As consumers have switched channels and changed shopping habits during COVID-19, Mars Pet were one of the first to identify the trend and start to show their support for the independent retail trade. Their hunger to support the nations pet owners has resulted in Bestway having high levels of availability, ensuing retailers had ample stock on shelf.
Peter Brame – Director of Trading, Pet - 22nd June
Freixenet UK Ltd have remained true to their values and long-term vision of commitment in delivering the best value for money. They have worked closely with Bestway from the very beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, going the extra mile, securing additional stock and reducing lead times when importing stock from Europe to ensure and maintain availability to the customer across the range.
During this challenging period demand suddenly increased and sales across the wine category have significantly increased. Retailers tapped in on the shift in consumer behaviour, opting for more premium products to enjoy at home during lockdown.
Bestway have been able to maintain planned promotions to appeal to retailers and consumers at a time in which there is renewed interest in the Convenience sector, with the supplier being quick to act and recognising the benefits of supplying the channel.
Adam Pizey – Wine Buyer - 15th June
Carlsberg have been recognised for their exceptional high level of engagement throughout the current pandemic. They have worked closely with the trading and supply teams to ensure transparency during this challenging time and have managed service levels better than others in the industry.
The team have continued to support retailer and consumer promotions during this exceptional period and continued to seek ways to support activity.
Roopinder Toor - Director of Trading, Beers, Wines & Spirits - 8th June
Kellogg’s brand strategy pivots around staying focussed and going further. What they have demonstrated throughout the pandemic, is that they are a company of promise and possibilities.
Kellogg’s have supported and driven the strategy through the pandemic. Whilst grocery is the engine behind the growth, Kellogg’s also recognised the importance of impulse for consumers and within the sector and have continually driven the plans to support this in the convenience sector. Their brand Pringles has been in double digit growth with Bestway and has been featured in the plans to drive recovery in Impulse sales, by understanding consumer behaviour and demand. They have supported over 23,000 independent retailers Nationwide with stock and merchandising support based on insights.
Nick Hartwell - Category Controller, Symbol Retail - 1st June
CCEP have predicted key trends and continually identify the changing consumption habits as a result of the pandemic and the closure of the out-of-home industry. They have been working closely with Bestway every step of the way, in sharing data trends and changing consumer behaviours and their business strategy in response to the trading conditions and its anticipated evolution.
Haleem Sadiq - Director of Trading, Retail - 25th May
KP have demonstrated and maintained strong dialogue throughout the current COVID-19 situation with Bestway and provided real time insight into how COVID-19 is affecting the CSN category and its shoppers. They have upweighted their trading plan and included initiatives where they had capacity to help meet the increase in demand. Their stock availability has remained over 97% throughout the crisis and they have prioritised availability on all best sellers.
KP Snacks brand proposition is to listen carefully to what customers want and respond, they are passionate about products and proud of what they do. They have certainly kept to their brand promise throughout.
Nick Hartwell - Category Controller, Symbol Retail - 18th May
Bestway have seen significant increases in demand for tobacco particularly in the area of on Roll-Your-Own. All suppliers have done a good job maintaining supply but JTI (Japan Tobacco International) have been highlighted for exceptional service whilst still being focussed on the significant changes currently impacting the tobacco category. They have also maintained a sharp promotional plan to drive and support independent retailers through this challenging and disruptive period for the country.
Richard Booth – Director of Trading Category Management & Tobacco - 11th May
John West recognised the emerging shift in consumer demand from supermarkets to convenience, as shoppers are becoming less able to get to supermarkets.
John West were proactive in proposing that Bestway work differently across the pack formats, to have available different versions of packs in order to ensure continual availability to meet the demands of the convenience sector and end consumer.
Manoj Verma – Category Manager, Grocery - 4th May
Pettywood’s ethos is all about adding value where it matters, working closely with partners, and reputation. They have demonstrated the power of their exceptional relationships with Brands by understanding the unprecedented demand and priority to serve Bestway who are supporting community stores. They recognised the pressing need to feed the vulnerable groups and prioritised the availability of Baxter’s soups and other key ranges by significantly changing operations in order to meet the demand within a week, at a time where the leading supplier in the category was not nimble enough to affect change to meeting the demands in the time frame required.
Haleem Sadiq - Director of Trading, Retail - 27th April